Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 5 February 2018

Twice as good

Decision made, 2nd cot blanket on the go
 This is pleasing 
  I think they will look good together
I was asked regarding my new hooks, they were purchased at my local shop, they sell wool, material and loads of haberdashery, they are expensive, and not everything is of high quality, but I do like to use them where I can. I got a few reels of Gutermann white thread, (I can't see any point in using cheap thread on your sewing), the price is similar where ever you get them. The brand for the hooks is PONY, I have used their knitting needles for years, they cost £16.99, but I hope they will last for a long time.
We had a lazy weekend at home, 
Saturday was dull and wet, not the sort of day to be out and about, so I rested my back and did loads of crafting.  
Sunday we had no reason to go out, it was sunny and cold, hubby was happy he was able to do a few jobs, checking our camervan, which is nice and dry. He also weeded the front parking area, we have the horrible yellow stones (put down by previous owners), he did a good job, he also checked his motorbike. I did a bit of housework, tidied our bed drawers, we keep our bedding and spare towels. We have a few things to reuse (the cotton in our old quilt covers is good enough to be reused). Friends came for coffee, Maureen can hardly remember anything, but it's lovely to see her, her hubby Rod has difficulty getting her to leave the house. We walked around the garden, again she asked about Win, I have told her she has passed away and she forgets, so I just say she is away. 
We are eating some of the more unusual  things from the freezer, I think we have at the most two weeks left before we require a freezer shop, but we will be restocking with more meat, veg and less ready meals. 
Will and mummy are popping in for lunch, so I must get a wriggle on, I have a couple things to do before they arrive. 


  1. The blankets are lovely, they go so well together. Dementia is a horrible thing, my mum's quite bad now and will ask me the same question over and over again. We're having a week eating out of the freezer too, there's all sorts of things in there, it needs a good sort out.

  2. I love the colours you've used in the blankets, I particularly like the wavey one.

  3. Your blankets look fabulous together. Thank you for letting me know about the crochet hooks. I am sure your friends enjoyed their visit but such a shame her memory is going. I hope you enjoyed your lunch will Will and daughter.

  4. The granny blanket does look lovely, I am rather partial to granny squares. They will make a nice pair.

  5. Last Saturday was wet here too and so I did some sewing instead of being out in the garden. I love the gentle colours of your blankets. Very pretty! Meg:)

  6. Oh, those blankets are delicious together!



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